June 27th, 2008

Haniyeh: All Palestinian Factions Should Honor Truce
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews
by Roee Nahmias - June 27, 2008 - 4:30pm

Hamas wants quiet in Gaza: Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh called Friday on Palestinian factions to adhere to the Gaza Strip lull agreement with Israel. "The factions and the people accepted the lull in order to secure two interests – an end to aggression and the lifting of the siege. Therefore, we hope that everyone honors this national agreement," he said following Friday prayers.

Palestinian Pm Calls For Gaza Crossings To Reopen
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Agence France Presse (AFP)
June 27, 2008 - 4:27pm

Palestinian authority prime minister Salam Fayyad Thursday called on Israel to reopen border crossing with the Gaza Strip which were shut after rocket attacks tested a fragile truce between the Jewish state and Hamas. "We have 1.5 million of our people with a sense of not having much to lose. That situation must end," Fayyad told a news conference in Prague with Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek.

Israeli Troops Disperse Wall Protest, Wounding 12: Medics
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Middle East Times
June 27, 2008 - 4:25pm

Twelve Palestinians were wounded on Thursday when Israeli troops dispersed a protest against the separation wall in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian medics said. Around 300 people had gathered outside the village of Nilin for the latest in a series of protests against the wall, which Israel says is necessary for its security and Palestinians say is part of a larger land grab. As the crowd approached the wall troops dispersed the demonstrators using tear gas and rubber bullets, protest organiser Saleh al-Khawaja told AFP.

An Apology
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Arabic Media Internet Network
by Uri Avnery - June 27, 2008 - 4:23pm

his week, the Prime Minister of Canada made a dramatic statement in Parliament: he apologised to the indigenous peoples of his country for the injustices done to them for generations by successive Canadian governments. This way, White Canada tries to make peace with the native nations, whose country their forefathers conquered and whose culture their rulers have tried to wipe out.

Israel Allows Gaza Fuel Supplies
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Bbc News
June 27, 2008 - 4:22pm

Israel has allowed fuel into the Gaza Strip, but kept border crossings closed to all other goods after a Palestinian rocket fire violated a truce. This is the third consecutive day that border crossings into Gaza have been closed, preventing humanitarian and commercial goods into the area. Israel Radio reported that two mortar rounds landed in an open field on the Israeli side of the border on Friday. The military confirmed there had been two explosions, but not the cause.

Israeli Military Continues To Torture Palestinian Children
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Relief Web
June 27, 2008 - 4:20pm

On the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, DCI/PS releases further evidence that Israeli military forces in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) continue to abuse, threaten and torture Palestinian children. Today, DCI/PS is releasing two case studies to draw attention to the continuing plight of Palestinian children, in particular, the 700 Palestinian children who are arrested, interrogated and often abused by the Israeli military and police each year.

Israeli Settlement Activity Surges Despite Peace Talks
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from McClatchy News
by Dion Nissenbaum - June 27, 2008 - 4:18pm

Blue and yellow signs advertising new homes pepper the narrow West Bank roads that wind up to gated hilltop Jewish settlements. "A new stage is on its way," boasts one billboard promoting a dozen homes being built in this small Israeli settlement not far from Ramallah, the de facto Palestinian capital. As construction workers press ahead with work on these modest townhouses, telephone salesmen dismiss any concerns that Israel's pledge to restrict settlement construction in the West Bank could halt the building.

Truce Is Strained As Militants Launch Rockets And Israel Keeps Goods Out Of Gaza
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The New York Times
by Isabel Kershner - June 27, 2008 - 4:16pm

A barely week-old truce between Israel and the Hamas rulers of Gaza frayed further on Thursday when Palestinian militants launched two rockets against Israel, and Israel prevented goods from entering Gaza for a second day. One of the rockets fell harmlessly in an open area across the Israeli border, a military spokesman said. No details were available about the second.

June 26th

The Hamas – Israel cease fire continues to hold despite Palestinian rocket attacks and closed Gaza border crossings (1) (4). An article by Dion Nissenbaum finds that Israeli settlement construction has accelerated in the months since the Annapolis conference (2). Israeli troops disperse a protest against the separation wall, injuring twelve Palestinians (6). Palestinian PM Salam Fayyad calls on Israel to reopen border crossing with the Gaza Strip (7).

Fayyad: Israel Must Open Gaza Crossings
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews
June 26, 2008 - 4:35pm

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad Thursday called on Israel to reopen border crossing with the Gaza Strip which were shut after Palestinian rocket attacks violated the shaky truce with Hamas. "We have 1.5 million of our people with a sense of not having much to lose. That situation must end," Fayyad told a news conference in Prague with Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek.

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