October 13th, 2009

Israelis may stay home to avoid arrest in Europe
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Washington Times
by Eli Lake - October 13, 2009 - 12:00am

Israel is seriously considering restricting travel to Europe by its senior officials and military officers, fearing they might be arrested in the wake of a disputed U.N. report that accuses the Jewish state of targeting civilians in its Gaza war earlier this year.

Jerusalem Diary: Monday 12 October
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from BBC News
by Tim Franks - October 12, 2009 - 12:00am

People who work to bring Jews and Arabs together often neither seek nor gain glory. The projects grind on, in the shadows, on the margins, with little reward. But Avi Levy's self-proclaimed work on co-existence is not just handsomely rewarded, it also could not be more out there. Mr Levy, 49, is a pornographer. Eight years ago, along with some business partners, he set up the website Parpar 1 - literally butterfly in Hebrew, but also slang for swinger. In a saturated market, he believes he has identified a niche: Israeli men and women having "real sex", as he describes it.

Abbas seeks vote on Gaza report
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from BBC News
October 12, 2009 - 12:00am

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has called for a session of the UN Human Rights Council to vote on a report accusing Israel of war crimes in Gaza. Mr Abbas has faced a week of angry criticism after the Palestinian Authority backed deferring the vote until March. On Sunday he said there had not been enough support for the vote. Hamas's leader in Damascus called the issue a "scandal" that would harm Palestinian unity efforts.

Palestinians launch $220 million housing project
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Reuters
by Mohammed Assadi - October 12, 2009 - 12:00am

The Palestine Investment Fund (PIF) on Monday announced the establishment of the Palestinian territories' most ambitious real estate project to date, with initial capital of $220 million. The goal is to create 30,000 new housing units in the next five to 10 years, PIF Chairman Mohammad Mustafa said. "We want to see projects on the hilltops other than (Jewish) settlements," Mustafa told reporters. "The aim is to participate in building Palestine in the coming period, to create jobs and economic opportunities."

October 9th

Israelis and Palestinians brace for a tense Friday with increased Israeli restrictions on Palestinian entry to Jerusalem, including Arab citizens of Israel, and calls for a Palestinian "day of rage." US and PA officials urge calm. Ha'aretz outlines the escalation of tensions in Jerusalem, and reports that the US is "furious" about Israeli incitement against Pres. Obama. Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman dismisses any prospects for peace in the near term. A Palestinian unity deal may be signed in late October. The Jerusalem Post analyzes Prime Minister Fayyad's state-building plan. Hussein Ibish argues that calls for a third intifada, the dissolving of the PA, the resignation of Abbas or the removal of Fayyad are irrational and irresponsible.

National Security Advisor James Jones to Address ATFP Gala Oct. 15
Press Release - Contact Information: Hussein Ibish - October 9, 2009 - 12:00am

National Security Advisor James Jones to Address ATFP Gala Oct. 15 Media contact: Hussein Ibish, (202) 438-7297

What is at stake in Palestine: a third intifada and the parade of horribles
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ibishblog
by Hussein Ibish - (Blog) October 8, 2009 - 12:00am

As the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially East Jerusalem, is balanced on a knife edge and could erupt at any moment into a new explosion of violence or even a third intifada, it is crucial to review what is at stake for all parties should such a catastrophic turn of events occur. Far too many actors and commentators are casually viewing the present extremely dangerous situation, and even welcoming the prospect of a third intifada or the dismantling of the Palestinian Authority, or are calling for less dramatic but also extraordinarily dangerous scenarios.

Goldstone fall-out plagues Abbas
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from BBC News
by Heather Sharp - October 9, 2009 - 12:00am

Palestinians sometimes joke about the fact that, when written in Arabic, "Palestinian National Authority" looks the same as "Palestinian National Salad". And to many here, the PA's handling of Richard Goldstone's UN report on the conflict in Gaza has been mixed up and limp. What began as the publication of a damning report on Israel's military conduct - although it also condemned Hamas - has turned into an embarrassing debacle for Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority president and Fatah leader.

Peace an illusion, says Israel FM
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from BBC News
October 8, 2009 - 12:00am

Israel's foreign minister has said there is no chance of an early solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and told people to "learn to live with it." Avigdor Lieberman does not lead Israeli peace negotiations, but his statement casts a pall over latest US diplomatic efforts to revive negotiations. Envoy George Mitchell is in the region, spearheading Obama administration efforts to relaunch negotiations. Talks are stalled over the issue of Jewish settlements on occupied land.

Arab from the North? You can't enter Jerusalem
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Jerusalem Post
October 9, 2009 - 12:00am

The heavy security around Jerusalem in the wake of the recent Arab riots appeared to get a little bit out of hand on Thursday when Al-Jazeera's bureau chief in Israel, Walid al-Omari, and two of his crew members were initially denied entrance to Jerusalem, because "Arabs from the North aren't allowed into the capital."

American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017