February 14th, 2013

Israeli soldiers wound man near Syrian Golan fence
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Reuters
by Dominic Evans, Dan Williams - February 13, 2013 - 1:00am

Israeli soldiers shot across the ceasefire line with Syria on the occupied Golan Heights on Wednesday, wounding a man who approached the boundary fence despite their orders to turn away, military sources said. The Golan, which Israel seized from Syria in a 1967 war and later annexed, has been largely untouched by the 24-month-old revolt rocking Damascus. But Israel has been on guard for violent spillovers or refugee influxes on the strategic plateau.

Better Late than Never?
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Weekly Standard
by Elliott Abrams - February 18, 2013 - 1:00am


Vandals desecrate Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Associated Press
February 14, 2013 - 1:00am

Israeli police say vandals have sprayed a dozen Muslim graves in a Jerusalem cemetery with graffiti in a politically motivated act. Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says the phrase "price tag" was sprayed in Hebrew over the graves early on Thursday. The term is used by a tiny fringe of extremists to protest Israeli policy they view as favoring Palestinians. Israeli military bases, churches and mosques have also been targeted. Rosenfeld says police are investigating.

Rights group: Israel violated laws of war in Gaza
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Associated Press
by Diaa Hadid - February 13, 2013 - 1:00am

A U.S.-based rights group said Israel violated laws of war in a series of airstrikes it conducted during an eight-day military operation last November against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. Human Rights Watch said it counted 14 airstrikes in which there didn't appear to be a valid military target, and four others targeting militants, but which used disproportionate force.

Rising From Ruins
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The New York Times
by Raja Shehadeh - (Opinion) February 13, 2013 - 1:00am


Palestine ready to engage in peace process: Palestinian FM
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Xinhua
February 14, 2013 - 1:00am

Palestinian Foreign Affairs Minister Riad al-Maliki said here Thursday that Palestine was willing and ready to engage in peace process with Israel if it could show more of readiness in the process. Al-Maliki made the remarks at a press conference after the first meeting of the Conference on Cooperation among East Asian Countries for Palestine Development (CEAPAD). He said Palestine has been "very much willing and ready to engage into peace process with Israel," but emphasized that the process depends on the attitude of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Hamas, Fatah ‘not serious about reconciliation’
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Gulf News
by Nasouh Nazzal - February 13, 2013 - 1:00am

Palestinian rival factions Fatah and Hamas are not serious about achieving Palestinian internal unity and the recent Cairo meetings were only aimed at appeasing the Palestinian street, said a senior Palestinian official.

Seven decisions the U.S. must make to jumpstart Middle East peace
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Haaretz
by Daniel Kurtzer - (Opinion) February 14, 2013 - 1:00am


Abbas: Hamas opposes elections
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ma'an News Agency
February 14, 2013 - 1:00am

Fatah leader President Mahmoud Abbas says elections will be the basis to end the division, but that Hamas opposes a vote "at this stage." "An agreement has been reached with Hamas that we form a unity government to be headed by me, then we have parliamentary elections and Palestinian National Council elections three months after the Central Elections Commission is ready for elections," Abbas said at a meeting in Ramallah with newly-elected mayors and a delegation of senior PA officials.

February 13th

NEWS: Pres. Obama is managing expectations on US efforts to rekindle Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Pres. Abbas welcomes the news of Obama's visit. Palestinian officials say Israel is continuing to withhold Palestinian tax revenues in contravention of long-standing agreements. Naftali Bennett, leader of the right-wing Jewish Home party, declares there can never be a Palestinian state in the "God-given" Land of Israel. Stateless Palestinians are buying citizenships from struggling Caribbean islands. Israel condemns North Korea's latest nuclear test. A new poll finds most Arab citizens of Israel are opposed to compulsory national service. Mossad is reportedly still using the passports of immigrants to Israel for clandestine operations in spite of promises not to. Mystery and speculation surround reports about the death of an unidentified prisoner in Israeli custody. Palestinian officials say Abbas is going to issue decrees establishing a new unity government and ordering new elections. The Palestinian Election Commission says 70,000 have registered to vote in Gaza. Hamas says it's going to demolish 75 Palestinian homes it claims have been built on public land. Palestinian MKs in Israel say they're going to raise the question of hunger striking prisoners. Palestinians complain a new exhibit of Herod the Great artifacts in Israel were mostly looted from occupied Palestinian lands. Palestinian farmers from Gaza attend an agricultural conference in southern Israel. The UN says the war in Syria has complicated what was already an emergency situation for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. COMMENTARY: David Keyes says Abbas and the PA are cracking down on dissent in an unacceptable manner. The Media Line interviews Nour Odeh, Director of the Palestinian Government Media Center. Bernard Avishai says Obama must take expectations about an intervention on peace seriously. Steven Cook argues there's almost nothing from Israel or the Palestinians for Sec. Kerry to work with. Akiva Eldar insists the Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be managed, but must be resolved. Daniel Nisman says Israel's military strike against a target in Syria shows its strategic strength. Dmitry Shumsky says the Holocaust is being exploited to make the case that Israel has the right to deny self-determination to the Palestinians. Hillel Halkin says there is no reason to think Jewish settlements couldn't remain in a Palestinian state. Mira Sucharov describes what happens when a liberal Zionist watches the new film "5 Broken Cameras." Atef Abu Saif says Palestinians desperately need a new strategy and vision. Gershom Gorenberg says Judith Butler gets so many of her facts wrong it's impossible to take her intervention on Israel and the Palestinians seriously. Robert Blecher says the international community should focus on immediate needs in Jerusalem, rather than its long-term future. The Jerusalem Post thinks that in Syria "an Alawite-Shi’ite victory is not necessary [sic] the worst scenario for Israel."

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