July 11th

East Jerusalem residents suffer from severe water shortages
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Xinhua
July 11, 2012 - 12:00am

Tens of thousands of Israeli Arabs in east Jerusalem are coping with severe water shortages, while official bodies bicker over the reasons. According to Gihon, the Jerusalem Municipality's water company, the disruptions are caused by illegal tapping into the water system. "There is a widespread phenomenon of water theft in this area, which we have been warning the water authority about for a very long time.

Israel’s Occupational Hazard
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Bloomberg
(Editorial) July 10, 2012 - 12:00am

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might have gotten what he wanted from the committee he named to explore ways to legalize unauthorized Jewish settlements in the West Bank. After all, its chairman, retired Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy, had previously made clear that he rejects the term “occupied territory” to describe the West Bank’s status.

Abbas to visit Saudi Arab seeking financial aid
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Xinhua
July 11, 2012 - 12:00am

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will travel to Saudi Arabia on Friday to request urgent help to overcome the financial crisis faced by the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), a local official said on Wednesday. Nimer Hammad, Abbas's political adviser, said that the visit is to deal with the financial crisis in order to alleviate it.

Israel frees hunger-striking Palestinian player
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Associated Press
by Ibrahim Barzak - July 11, 2012 - 12:00am

Dozens of Islamic militants fired rifles in the air Tuesday in a rousing homecoming for a member of the Palestinian national soccer team who was released by Israel after being held for three years without formal charges. The player, Mahmoud Sarsak, 25, had staged a hunger strike for more than 90 days to press for his release, winning support from international sports organizations. Israel accused Sarsak of being active in the violent Islamic Jihad group, a charge he denied while in custody.

Wrong Time for New Settlements
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The New York Times
(Editorial) July 10, 2012 - 12:00am

Palestinian hopes for an independent state are growing dimmer all the time. Israel is pushing ahead with new settlements in the West Bank and asserting control over new sections of East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim as their capital. Meanwhile, peace talks — the best guarantee of a durable solution — are going nowhere.

Rights groups: Spike in Israeli settler violence
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Associated Press
July 11, 2012 - 12:00am

Human rights groups and U.N. agencies say Israeli settlers in the West Bank have sharply stepped up attacks on Palestinians in a climate of impunity created by lacking law enforcement. The groups said Wednesday that the number of attacks causing injury or damage rose from 168 in 2009 to 411 in 2011. They say 154 attacks occurred in the first half of 2012.

July 10th

NEWS: Former PM Olmert is acquitted of major corruption charges, but convicted on “breach of trust.” The population of Israeli settlers in the occupied territories is booming under PM Netanyahu. Netanyahu refers a report asserting broad Israeli authority over the occupied territories, and which denies there is any occupation, to his ministerial committee on settlement affairs. The US criticizes the report. Israel's Air Force bombs southern Gaza with no injuries reported. Hamas demolishes more homes in Gaza it says are built on government land. Palestinian businesses are reaching out to new markets in Jordan. An Israeli oil well project straddles the border between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. A new poll suggests young Jewish Americans may be growing more, rather than less, attached to Israel. The UN says Israel has dramatically increased the demolition of Palestinian homes. The PA says it plans to hold local elections on October 20. COMMENTARY: Adam Gonn says Pres. Abbas' participation in a conference in Tehran is not intended to appease Ahmadinejad. Alex Fishman says Abbas is only undermining his own credibility by going to Tehran. Aeyal Gross critiques claims by the Levy Committee Report that there is no occupation in the occupied Palestinian territories. The Jerusalem Post says it also thinks there is no occupation in the occupied territories. Gershon Baskin says peace cannot be achieved at the expense of either Israelis or Palestinians. Kenneth Bandler says Israeli government efforts to promote employment among Palestinian citizens of Israel should be supported by everybody. Robert O. Freedman says there are solid grounds for stronger ties between Israel and Russia. Dimi Reider says closer Israeli-Russian ties are based on growing shared, and disturbing, values. Osama Al Sharif says the late Pres. Arafat's death continues to haunt friend and foe alike.

Arafat’s death haunts foes, followers
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Gulf News
by Osama Al-Sharif - (Opinion) July 10, 2012 - 12:00am

Ask any Palestinian about the death of former leader and symbol of national resistance, Yasser Arafat, and he or she will immediately say that he was killed by Israel for refusing to give in to pressure to accept an unjust final peace settlement. Arafat’s death, in mysterious circumstances at a French military hospital, in November 2004, remains one of the most contentious issues for millions of Palestinians.

What Putin's Trip To Jerusalem Really Means
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Daily Beast
by Dimi Reider - (Opinion) July 9, 2012 - 12:00am

Much of the coverage of the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories focused on two questions: Putin's perceived foot-dragging over Iran, and the visit's significance for the Russian-speaking Israelis who make up about one-fifth of the population, as large as Israel's Palestinian population.

Israel and Russia Make Odd Couple
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Jewish Daily Forward
by Robert O. Freedman - (Opinion) July 6, 2012 - 12:00am

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Israel in late June with the ostensible purpose of helping to unveil a monument to the Soviet soldiers who helped defeat Nazi Germany. But Putin’s motivations for this trip to the Middle East were not so innocuous. In fact, they underlined the degree to which his ambitions for the region have not changed at all since his last reign as Russia’s president, from 2000 to 2008.

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