March 13th

Hamas, Fatah differ over attitude to agreements
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Reuters
by Nidal Al-Mughrabi - March 13, 2009 - 12:00am

Rival Palestinian factions have so far failed to overcome obstacles in reconciliation talks which they hope will lead to a unified governing body for the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, officials said on Friday. President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement has insisted during Egyptian-hosted talks taking place in Cairo that rival Islamist group Hamas must "abide" by existing peace agreements signed with Israel but Hamas has refused to make such a commitment.

US Government Announces $30 Million Quick Impact Aid Package for Gaza and the West Bank
Press Release - Contact Information: Hussein Ibish - July 3, 2003 - 12:00am

Washington DC, Jul. 3 -- Today, in a ceremony in Ramallah, the US Government announced plans for the disbursement of a $30 million Palestinian aid package through the United States Agency for International Development West Bank and Gaza Mission (USAID/WBG). Palestinian Authority (PA) Minister of Planning Nabil Qassis hosted the announcement ceremony to mark the US commitment, with Acting US Consul General in Jerusalem Jeffrey Feltman and USAID/WBG Mission Director Larry Garber participating.

Some hope, much pessimism, on Palestine
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from
(Editorial) March 13, 2009 - 12:00am

There are many reasons to feel more pessimistic than optimistic about the possibility of any major breakthrough in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict this year. The inaction by the international community, especially the United States, over the past few years has made the situation more complicated, with increased violence and hardened public opinions on both sides.

Sources: Israel agrees to free all 450 Hamas prisoners for Shalit
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Haaretz
by Yoav Stern - March 13, 2009 - 12:00am

Israel has agreed to free all 450 of the prisoners demanded by Hamas in exchange for kidnapped Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit, and the dispute now revolves around Israel's demand that some of these prisoners be deported rather than returned home, Palestinian sources in Cairo said Thursday. Ofer Dekel, Israel's lead negotiator on the issue, was in Cairo Thursday for further talks with Egyptian mediators.

Parties aiming to increase settlements fight over Housing portfolio
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Haaretz
by Mazal Mualem - March 13, 2009 - 12:00am

Three factions are fighting over the Housing portfolio, which prime minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu has promised the ultra-Orthodox Shas party. Shas is resolved to appoint the party's MK Ariel Atias - today minister of communications - as housing minister, while United Torah Judaism, the other ultra-Orthodox party, wants the ministry mainly to be in control of the Israel Lands Administration.

March 12th

ATFP Welcomes Summit Progress, Urges Greater Efforts on Mideast Peace
Press Release - Contact Information: Hussein Ibish - June 4, 2003 - 12:00am

Washington DC, Jun. 4 -- The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) today welcomed progress on Middle East peace at the Aqaba summit and urged all parties to redouble their efforts to implement phase one of President Bush's road map. ATFP praised President Bush for his efforts to create new momentum towards a negotiated settlement of the conflict and reiterated its support for the roadmap. ATFP President Dr.

ATFP Applauds Bush's Personal Commitment to Peace and a Palestinian State
Press Release - Contact Information: Hussein Ibish - May 9, 2003 - 12:00am

Washington DC, May 9 -- The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) applauded President George W. Bush's "personal commitment" to a Middle East peace centered on the creation of a "free and independent" Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel.

Israeli Missile Attack Kills Palestinians in Gaza
Press Release - Contact Information: Hussein Ibish - May 19, 2004 - 12:00am

Washington DC, May 19 -- The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) condemned the unprovoked killing today of unarmed Palestinians by the Israeli military in the Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. According to press reports and hospital sources, Israeli forces fired a missile, four tank shells and machine guns at Palestinians peacefully demonstrating the ongoing Israeli incursion into Gaza, killing at least 10 Palestinian children and teenagers and wounding 50 people.

Area's Palestinians Mourn Loss of a Symbol
Media Mention of Ziad Asali In The Washington Post - November 12, 2004 - 1:00am

No one would call Sami Parbhoo a slavish follower of Yasser Arafat's. Over the years, the 32-year-old Takoma Park resident has freely criticized the Palestinian leader's rule. The mismanagement. The reports of corruption. The centralization of power. And yet, when Parbhoo, a Palestinian immigrant, woke up yesterday and learned that Arafat had died, he was shocked. Suddenly, his heart felt heavy.

Gaza: Gateway to Palestine or Anarchy?
In Print by Ziad Asali - Arab News (Opinion) - March 12, 2004 - 1:00am

After initially reacting with caution, the Bush Administration is now taking the Israeli proposal for unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip more seriously. The initial reaction of tepid interest has gradually given way to a highly engaged conversation.

American Task Force on Palestine - 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 725, Washington DC 20006 - Telephone: 202-262-0017