
The Pro-israel Consensus Shifts
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Israel Policy Forum
by M.J. Rosenberg - (Opinion) December 11, 2007 - 1:36pm

Good news. Some of the more conservative American Jewish institutions are coming around to acceptance of the two-state solution, ending the occupation, and sharing Jerusalem. It’s about time. The overwhelming majority of Israelis and Jewish Americans favor those positions and eventually the more status quo-oriented organizations had to catch up—especially now that the Israeli government asserts that it finally has a genuine Palestinian partner.

Palestinians To Urge Settlement Freeze At Talks
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Reuters
by Wafa Amr - December 11, 2007 - 1:34pm

Palestinians will attend peace talks this week despite a plan by Israel to build new homes on occupied land, but will focus on demanding a settlement freeze, senior Palestinian officials said on Tuesday. Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are due to meet on Wednesday two weeks after their leaders relaunched long-stalled peace talks at a U.S.-hosted conference in Annapolis, Maryland.

Starting The Peace Process
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The New York Times
(Editorial) December 11, 2007 - 1:33pm

Israelis and Palestinians are supposed to begin serious negotiations tomorrow after last month’s long-on-optics, short-on-specifics Annapolis peace meeting. Despite all the smiles and handshakes, both sides went home and fell back into some familiar, counterproductive patterns.   If this effort has any chance of success, everyone who attended Annapolis — including the Americans and Arab leaders — are going to have to work a lot harder at breaking those patterns.

Gazans’ Passage To Mecca Seen As An Insult To Abbas
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The New York Times
by Isabel Kershner - December 11, 2007 - 1:33pm

What appeared to have been a decision by Egypt and Saudi Arabia to cooperate with Hamas rather than with the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, in allowing 2,000 people to leave Gaza last week for a pilgrimage to Mecca is causing friction in Palestinian, Israeli and Western circles. Some officials said the move was an insult to Mr. Abbas, a moderate. Only two weeks ago, Egyptian, Saudi and other international representatives gathered in Annapolis, Md., to support him and the embryonic Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.

A New York Times editorial urges Israelis and Palestinians to begin the work necessary to break out of old patterns detrimental to peace negotiations (2.) In Israel Policy Forum, MJ Rosenberg takes heart in growing indications that the more conservative American Jewish institutions are adopting the two-state solution paradigm (4.) A Jewish Telegraphic Agency opinion by AMEINU president Kenneth Bob calls on U.S. Jews to support Israeli government decisions on the future of Jerusalem (6.) The New Statesman (UK) reports on the critical shortages affecting Gaza and its civilian population (7.) The Australian (Australia) reports on an open letter from Hamas to Secretary of State Rice asking that the sanctions against Gaza be lifted (8.) In Haaretz (Israel) Amira Haas reports on how the takeover of three institutions in Gaza by Hamas has deepened the Gaza-West Bank split (9.) Also in Haaretz are the results of a survey of the Israeli public post-Annapolis (10.) A Jordan Times (Jordan) editorial is critical of the reported Israeli offer of a provisional Palestinian state made at Annapolis (13.)

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