Foreign Policy Intern
Amber Escudero is a sophomore at Pepperdine University, participating in the Washington DC Program. As an International Studies major with an Intercultural Communication emphasis and a Non-Profit minor, her passions revolve around working with people from all cultures and backgrounds. Last fall, Amber’s knowledge about the Middle East was greatly enhanced due to taking a Middle East History course, visiting places like the Israeli Embassy and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), and traveling to the United Arab Emirates.
These experiences served as catalysts for Amber to further pursue her life’s dream of wanting to work in countries abroad and to further promote the all-important themes of human rights, anti-corruption, economic development, peace, and awareness. These passions lead her to pursue an internship with the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP). ATFP's mission spoke to Amber on a personal level, with their goals being in direct alignment with her own. While at ATFP, some of Amber’s responsibilities will include; updating ATFP's website, Facebook, and Twitter, process donations, attend Congressional Hearings & Washington Events and write summaries on the material, present to the ATFP staff on the material she has gathered towards her research project, write a final research paper, attend ATFP briefings and events, etc.
Follow Amber on Twitter: @AmberEscudero